Thursday, June 29, 2006

Here are some huckleberries

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I've had a request for more photos

Well, that was time consuming. And, 11 photos total on the little memory card. Camera says, "it's full".

camera shipment arrived today

That's me, wondering why there's a flash. Doug helped me turn it off via a phone consultation. I haven't opened Doug's box. I think attempting to turn on one digital camera is enough for me for one day.

Monday, June 26, 2006

Day 10!

So, here is Woody on day 10 of the 10-day leg splint experiment. He has been our constant companion and is bored out of his skull. Tomorrow morning we go to the vet at 9:30. They'll take more x-rays and, hopefully, see a difference. Doug says I should ask them for a sedative to keep him calm for a few days so he won't just re-injure it. As you can see from the photo, 10 days of feeling sorry for him has led us all down the path that results in a huge dog on the couch. But, not for long! As soon as that splint is off, it's back outside for Woody (unless it's too hot for him out there.)

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Today, I bought a magazine at the grocery checkout, just for the cover photo. June 26 Newsweek.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

OK - this is for Lydia. Thank you to Sarah for sending it to me and to Andy for taking it and to Tyler for for being the subject matter.

The first thing I did this morning was fall off the front porch while taking Woody out for his constitutional. It was one of those hilarious comedies with me trying to help Woody down the stairs. Thank goodness the leash wrapped around the handrail and the handrail didn't come completely loose. All in all it was a pretty gentle fall. Today's was mom's birthday (85!) and I was telling her about falling and she said, "Oh, well, you know the more you do it, the better you get." She should know!

I helped set up for the church rummage sale today. I always tell myself I'm not going to do it because I hate rummaging through all the stuff people bring and having to make decisions about what some of it is. This year there is a ton of stuff and some of it is pretty nice for rummage. Anyway, I found a "comfort touring" bike (Huffy) and Doug will look at it tomorrow morning and tell me if it's "the one I want". I also got some cute baby books that used to belong to the Meserve kids, and a baby seat thingy to keep here in Olalla, unless it is needed in Bellingham. And, the ultimate find - a collapsable rolling cart!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Trying again

The last time I tried to upload a picture and/or link, this computer just wouldn't do it. So, having decided these blogs are pretty boring without a picture, I'm going to try again. Watch .............. Hey - it worked! If this picture shows up, it should be AJ and Brittany in front of Pike Place Market with some crazy guy on a bike trying to get in the shot. This was taken last Saturday, just before we went to the Cheesecake Factory and gorged ourselves and dinner and dessert. After dinner, Tyler got his shoes polished by a very interesting guy who just yelled out to people as they went by that their shoes needed shining. One lady looked down at her feet and said to him, "No thanks, I'm OK." He replied, "Yeah, but your shoes ain't." That's when Tyler stuck his foot out to show the guy that he didn't have on shoes that could be shined, but the guy said to come on over and he whipped out his white polish. Tyler's shoes looked a lot better, but I don't know what's going to happen to them when he throws them in the wash.

Well, ok. That's it for me. I don't feel like ranting. I am having fun getting ready to do something. Now if I can just get around to doing it!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

When I hung up

I walked across the street to get the mail and there was a card from the caller. Isn't that special?

Today's phone message

started out like this: "Hi Sandy - Do you guys know anyone who puts in video surveillance?" I hung up then because it was on my cell phone and I don't know if you know this, but calls to listen to our voice mail messages count against our 1000 minutes. I read that somewhere when Doug first got our phones. I guess if it's after 9 or on the weekend, long messages don't matter. But, I'm not going to listen to anymore message from longwinded people during the week.

Is this blog boring, or what?


Monday, June 05, 2006

How about if I just type it?

Go here ....

What Doug Needs

I don't know if the above html gobbledeygook will translate into a picture or not. I tried to upload an image from a website. We'll see.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Stop the Insanity

wow - today has been a day for classic phone messages from Marva. I mean CLASSIC. I have not answered any of her calls today because I am just not in the mood. I went to her apt. late yesterday afternoon to return a CD she had left for me at Dad's memorial service (the one she didn't attend) that she kept calling about all week. Anyway - I'm saving these message and I'm going to make sure you (and you know who you are) have a chance to hear them. I just want to share. If I could, I would make transcripts of them post them here, but they are way too rambling.

Lydia's picture inspired me to look for a picture to post here and I found this one, taken by Uncle Bryan last summer. He's an enigma (Danny, not Uncle Bryan).

I'm off to refresh the hummingbird feeders. I just noticed that a few little lobelia plants I put in pots a few weeks ago, which were supposed to be of the "white" variety, are actually blue. Hmmm, I think a trip to the home depot plant dept. is in order.