Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I've unwittingly switched my blog over to the stupid new account, but I managed to use Doug's account info and now it looks like I'm part of the narrowsbikecommuter, which I am, technically, but, technically, don't want to be. knowhatimean? Can any of you faithful readers tell me what to do to get my identity back?
your webblech

still behind

I've stayed home today, although I should have been somewhere, making hay. I did get my mom's tax questionnaire completed and ready to send off to her tax guy. But, I'm really trying to get over installment number 3 of the COLD. I've been carrying this around, I guess for about 4 or 5 weeks now. Thought I was completely over it, then thought I was just having allergies, and then got a wicked sore throat - while I was having an extremely busy Sunday morning - yada, yada, yada. So I took it easy on Monday, worked yesterday and came home and crashed and work up this morning feeling WORSE! Right now, I feel a little better because I took my camera outside with me when I went to check on the mail to take a picture of the snow (which pretty much only fell during the 5 minutes I was out there, which you can see better if you make the picture larger) and when I came in I discovered some pictures of Theo I had taken when he and Andy and Sarah were down here the 2nd weekend in February. This is just the essential Theo, don't you think?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Parking Lot Rendevous

I'm giving Theo the raspberry here and he loves it

We're both delirious

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Well, we've made a little progress
I didn't think about how much I'd miss that greenhouse until it really wasn't there anymore. It wasn't really a greenhouse. Doug built it in 1981 after he had constructed a sandbox for Andy and put a roof over it and decided he could use the same design to make a greenhouse. After about 5 years the tree had grown so tall that it didn't get much sun, so it was really more just a potting shed. It was my little place, though, and I'll miss it.

Happily, Sarah, Theo and Andy will be in town a little bit the next couple of days.