As a lifelong independent washington state voter
I have such a problem with voting in today's primary. Why don't the democrat and republican parties just do this themselves? I have to check a box that says I'm affiliated with one party or another. Hmmmm, I never have been, nor will I ever be affililated with the democrats, but I guess that's the box I'll check because it will be a cold day in h-e-double-hockey-sticks before I ever affiliate with the republicans. There is only one democrat I'm that interested in getting elected. That would be Derek Kilmer for state senator from our 26th district, and he's unopposed by any other democrat, so why should I even vote?
I don't like being forced to "identifying myself with a label" I don't always agree with. This did not prevent me from voting, which I did as best I could.
well, i can sure relate. there was absolutely no reason for me to even waste the 2 minutes it would have taken me to vote. so.... i didn't. i made my own little statement by throwing my ballot into the circular file. sigh.
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